Jaisalmer: The eve of 5th International Yoga Day witnessed a “Yoga in Dunes” event conducted under the aegis of Desert Charger Brigade of Battle Axe Division at the Golden sand dunes of Jaisalmer.
Brigadier Saikat Roy, Brigade Commander, Desert Charger Brigade was also present for the lively session of relaxing yoga.
The “Yoga in Dunes” event saw healthy and energetic participation by the soldiers of Battle Axe Division deployed on the border which helped them to take a break from their monotonous routine giving peace to their mind and soul and also recharging their energy levels, a defence official said.
The session included pranayams such as Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom, Ujjayi and Bhramari and aasans such as Surya Namaskar, Dhanush aasan and Manduk aasan.
A Debate Competition on the benefits of yoga was also organised for the soldiers & their families. Yoga Guru Shri Chunni Lal Pawar and his team helped in creating a peaceful environment for yoga.

The yoga guru also stressed upon its medical benefits, giving certain examples and demonstrated aasans to improve health and fight lifestyle diseases in consonance with the theme of International Yoga Day i.e ‘Yoga for Heart-Care’.
He motivated the soldiers to make yoga a part of their daily routine to keep themselves energetic, calm and focused in their work. Yoga will help them to reduce stress of their daily routine, leading to a happy way of life.