New Delhi: To rekindle the pride and valour of soldiers who participated in Operation Vijay, 7 sector of Rashtriye Rifle on Saturday paid gratitude to Next of Kin (NOK) of 2 martyr soldiers of the AoR on Kargil Diwas.
The country is celebrating 20 years of Kargil War victory. The Indian Army had threw Pakistani intruders from Indian land 20 years ago.
Veer Nari Zarina Begum, wife of L/Nk Late Gh Mohd Khan of 12 Jak Li, Resident of Balhama Nariwal of 32 RR AoR and Veer Mata Saira Begum M/o- Rfn Late Showkat Hussain Kalalgan of 12 Jak Li of 15 RR AoR were presented a small token of gratitude for the sacrifice made by their near ones in line of duty, an Indian Army official said.
The NOK first laid wreath on the war memorial paying homage, tribute and salute to the courage and valour of the martyrs and subsequently interacted with Commander and officers of 7 Sector RR.