Plans to gradually withdraw troops from internal security duties in North East: Gen Naravane

Team India Sentinels Tuesday 28th of January 2020 03:47 PM

New Delhi: A day after the Centre signed a tripartite peace agreement with Bodo outlawed Groups and Assam Government, Army Chief Gen MM Naravane on Tuesday said that the Army has drawn a plan to gradually withdraw the troops from the internal security duties in  North East.

“North East is going through a transitional phase which is good. Security scenario is good. NDFB cadres surrendered is an indicator. The Army has drawn up a plan to increasingly withdraw troops deployed for counter insurgency and counter terrorism operation," Gen Naravane told a group of journalists.

The Army Chief said that two battalions of troops (around 2000 soldiers) have already been withdrawn from the north east and the same could be replicated in Kashmir in the future.

"Our primary focus is conventional war and that too long term. counter insurgency and counter terrorism operations. CI/CT is short term but immediate ones," he added.

As many as 1550 armed cadres of Bodo extremists outfit will lay down arms and surrender ‪on January 30‬, bringing peace to Bodo areas which have witnessed violence over past 30 years

Rebalancing of troop deployment on the country's borders with China and Pakistan with larger perspective, the Army Chief said, "Rebalancing has to be seen in larger perspective. It is also to be seen in quality, focus and thrust of the capacity and capability of the forces... We have long term perspective plan as what is emerging threat and accordingly we keep prioritizing. Backend has to be in place."

On future warfare that include Artificial Intelligence, Robotics among others, the Army Chief said, "We are aware about all kinds of warfare. It will be for some years. We are prepared for them."

On Budgetary allocation for the army, he said, "We have submitted our estimates. Keeping in mind the prevailing security situation we will get whatever is required."

He also maintained that the modernisation process will be on as "We have been able to induct numbers of weapon systems, including Dhanush, K9, new rifles, Spike missiles. We need not to be worried much about it," he added.


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