
B Maria Kumar
Joined: April 29, 2021
B Maria Kumar is a retired IPS officer who served as the DGP of Madhya Pradesh. He is a commentator on current affairs. He is the author of the book "Be Selfish But Good" and "Policing by Common Sense". He currently resides in Hyderabad.

The World Summit at Null Island
As the year 2021 ends, B Maria Kumar, former DG of Madhya Pradesh Police, writes a philosophical article based on an assumed future summit of religious leaders on how to end strife in the world and move towards a better world where the focus is solely on the welfare of humanity.
Escalating international tensions and how fallacious identities wreck humanity
Sense of insecurity is the source of fear which in turn triggers prejudice and prejudice is a bias grounded in a perceived membership of a social group. Membership serves man as his false and heightened egoistic identity, the negative effects of which create in his psyche a series of threatening emotions.
Ashok Dohare – an officer and a digitalman
Ashok Dohare was one of the pioneering master trainers in the country to design and organize basic and specialized courses for Indian police in digital forensic analysis. Former Madhya Pradesh DGP B Maria Kumar writes on his batchmate Dohare, who retired on August 31, 2021.
Ode to RR Singh: My friend and fellow officer ‘Sher-e-Bikaner’
Promoting the feeling of oneness and camaraderie is the key to unify the entire humanity. RR has already hinted that he would be more active than ever following his retirement after 36 years of glorious service to the nation as an IPS officer.
Present imperfect and future uncertain – blame it on Covid
As Covid devastates human lives and national economies unabated across the world, this is an analysis what has resulted in the ongoing harrowing trend that doesn’t look to ebb in the near future, especially in India.
Fauci, Halder and Covid woes
Facilitating citizens to live in a safe environment is the duty of every government which in turn is as sacrosanct as its legitimate responsibility. It is immaterial whether the form of the government is an elected one or a hereditary monarchical reign as long as the people continue enjoying their lives freely.
Three colours to resolve three Covid paradoxes
Such is the cataclysmic situation that India has wantonly created for itself over last one year to the utter dismay of the whole world, the Covid monster has, besides its infection spree, been playing its diabolical tricks in the form of at least three contradicting paradoxes, which has perplexed the society at large.
India can beat Covid if it changes its behaviour and acts logically
Unlike other pathogens, the novel coronavirus seems to be a bit different. It is like Vali, the monkey king with special powers in the Hindu epic Ramayana. Therefore, it needs a different approach to beat it.

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