
Gyan Bhadra
Joined: September 29, 2022
Gyan Bhadra is a Delhi-based senior journalist and columnist. He extensively writes on the issues relating to science, health, diplomacy, and corporate affairs. In the past, he had worked for Hindustan Times in Patna. He has also been writing articles for the Financial Express, Asian Age, Blitz, Telegraph, Deccan Herald among others.

Bihar’s special land survey preparing kistwar (plotting) and khanapuri to ensure legitimate ownership of lands
The chief objective of the survey is to digitize the data and map of the entire land of the state to bring transparency to land dealing and resolve chronic land disputes.
India making diplomatic amends with neighbours is a welcome sign
In this article, senior journalist Gyan Bhadra discusses the visits by the foreign minister and the foreign secretary to the Maldives and Nepal and writes New Delhi’s recent push for amending ties with its neighbours is a welcome sign.
NAM must rejuvenate and brace itself to fight neocolonialism
In this article, senior journalist Gyan Bhadra writes that the Non-Aligned Movement must rejuvenate itself and fight colonialism in its new form – a job left unfinished in the post-war period.
Dr GD Agrawal: A leader endowed with passion
This is the intrinsic quality of Dr GD Agrawal as he shares his passion for exploring new and creative ways to manufacture medical products; which, after making inroads to a large number of hospitals both in India and abroad, save people at large from the clutches of death and disabilities.

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