The Ministry of Defence (MoD) on Tuesday signed a contract for construction of 8 Anti Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Craft (ASWSWC) for Indian Navy with Kochi-based Cochin Shipyard Limited.
On Monday, the government had also awarded a contract worth of Rs Rs 6,311.32 crore to Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE) to build same numbers of ASWSWC.
The delivery of ships will be commenced from October 22with 2 ships per year subsequently, by each shipyard.
These Anti-Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Crafts are designed for a deep displacement of 750 tons, speed of 25 knots and complement of 57 and capable of full-scale sub surface surveillance of coastal waters, SAU and Coordinated ASW operations with Aircraft.
In addition, the vessels shall have the capability to interdict/ destroy sub surface targets in coastal waters.
These can also be deployed for Search and Rescue by day and night in coastal areas. In their secondary role, these will be capable to prosecute intruding aircraft, and lay mines in the sea bed.

The vessels are equipped with highly advanced state-of-the-art integrated platform management systems including Propulsion Machinery, Auxiliary Machinery, Power Generation and Distribution Machinery and Damage Control Machinery.
The design and construction of these ships is another significant milestone in the ‘Make In India’ Initiative of the government.