Army, NASSCOM to join hands for veterans

Team India Sentinels Friday 18th of October 2019 03:44 PM

New Delhi: In a novel and path-breaking initiative which will have far reaching implications, Army and NASSCOM will come together to find modern day jobs for Army veterans in the IT Sector.

Army produces a large No of cadres in various IT related fields but most are unable to find suitable options in the second inning after an active army life mostly because of the technological and cultural differences.

Many multi-national firms have shown keenness to hire the Army veterans for their exceptional attributes including discipline and loyalty but the technological and cultural differential with corporate world becomes a significant challenge in hiring these veterans for modern day IT related jobs, a defence official said.

The Idea is being driven jointly by Army, NASSCOM and US Bank Wells Fargo.

Two day brainstorming seminar is planned in Bangalore on October 22-23.

Amazon India is also participating.

While Army will assess the industrial needs during the two day event in Bangalore, NASSCOM will help Army in orienting to the modern industrial needs in the IT sector, big industrial houses will also be present to share challenges of HR and draw benefits from this first ever mega-event.


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