Future belongs to India & Singapore: Modi

Team India Sentinels 9.10am, Thursday, May 31, 2018.

(The Indian community accorded a warm welcome to PM)

Stating that Singapore is a city that never fails to inspire, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said that the future is a world of unlimited opportunities which belongs to both the countries. Speaking at the Business-cum-Community Event here, the Prime Minister said, “We have the world’s most talented, dynamic, professional and committed Indian diaspora, proud to be Singaporeans, proud of their Indian heritage, ready to be the bridge between India and Singapore. The future is a world of unlimited opportunities. It belongs to us. It is up to us to be ambitious and bold to seize it.” During his speech, he also vouched for world based on rule of law, Mr Modi said, “We pursue a world based on rule of law, and connected by open seas and a stable trade regime.” He also assured the world that India will make ease of doing business easier and smoother. “There is complete clarity and confidence about the pace and direction of economic reforms in India. We will make it easier and smoother to do business in India. We will work for an open, stable and fair international trade regime. And, our engagement to our East will be among the strongest, and economics will remain an integral part of our Act East Policy.” Recently, India and Singapore reviewed their Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) and it was decided to further upgrade it. The CECA was established with aims to enhance economic and social benefits, improve living standards and ensure high and steady growth in real incomes in their respective territories through the expansion of trade and investment flows. “As India’s engagement with the region grows, Singapore will remain a gateway to ASEAN and the broader East. This year, Singapore’s Chairmanship of ASEAN will take India’s relations with ASEAN further and farther ahead,” Mr Modi added. On political relations among both the nations, the prime minister said, “When India opened up to the world and turned to the East, Singapore became a partner and a bridge between India and ASEAN. Political relations between India and Singapore are among the warmest and closest. There are no contests or claims, or doubts.” On defence cooperation, Mr Modi stated, “It is a natural partnership from a shared vision. Our defence relations are among the strongest, for both. My Armed Forces speak with great respect and admiration for Singapore’s Armed Forces. India’s longest continuous naval exercise is with Singapore.” Mr Modi will be visiting a Singapore Navy Ship and an Indian Naval Ship at the Changi Naval Base day after tomorrow. Singapore was the first country with which India signed the CECA over a decade back. The prime minister said, “In international forums, we speak in one voice in the cause of a rules-based order, sovereign equality of all nations, and free and open pathways of commerce and engagement. Economics is the heart-beat of the relationship.” Mr Modi visited Singapore as part of his last leg of three nation tour that also includes Indonesia and Malaysia.

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