Vice Adm AK Jain reviews ENC fleet

Team India Sentinels Saturday 8th of June 2019 07:31 AM

New Delhi: Flag Officer Commanding in Chief (FOC-in-C) of the Eastern Naval Command (ENC) Vice Admiral Atul Kumar Jain has embarked Eastern Fleet ships at sea on Thursday. The CinC was briefed on the Eastern Fleet by Rear Admiral Suraj Berry onboard the Flag Ship INS Sahyadri, an Indian Navy spokesperson said. He witnessed weapon firings on surface and aerial targets and other Seamanship evolutions undertaken by Fleet units. He also addressed the Officers and Sailors of the Eastern Fleet and also interacted with the personnel of INS Sahyadri during Barakhana. This is the maiden visit to Eastern Fleet by the CinC after assuming the Command of ENC May 30.


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